Saturday, July 19, 2014

Slash Girlfriends / Novias de Slash

Axl Rose's - Girlfriend's

Axl Rose & ex-wife Erin Everly.
Axl Rose & ex-wife Erin Everly. 

Axl Rose and Stephanie Seymour having a picnic in a cemetery during the Don’t Cry video shoot.
Axl Rose and ex-fiancée Stephanie Seymour.

Axl Rose battered beauties.
Axl Rose battered beauties


When Metal Ruled The World (80's LA Sunset Strip Story)

The story of the 80's Sunset Strip glam metal bands' rise and fall. Told by the band members themselves.

Bobbie Brown (Cherry Pie)
Adriana Smith (Rocket Queen)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

T-North ft. Desbro - Ferme ta gueule .

Ce groupe Québécois de l'Abitibi s'est fait bitché de manière exagéré. Pourtant quand c'est les rappeurs Américains qui font la même chose en anglais, tout le monde trouve ca cool??