Sunday, December 1, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Glam Metal / Hair Metal
This is a republication of
I am not the author of this cool article.
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Glam Metal
Glam Metal, or Hair Metal as it's often called, is a genre of music dedicated to sex, drugs, rock n' roll, and pretty men with long hair wearing a shit load of makeup.
Bands include Poison, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Pretty Boy Floyd, Dokken, Kiss, Guns n' Roses, Skid Row, Ratt, Faster Pussy Cat, W.A.S.P (Which might stand for: Without Acronym, sorry people), Van Halen, Danger Danger, Hanoi Rocks (technically glam punk), Cinderella, and many others too numerous to name.
The look usually involves lots of leather, metallic and neon colors, fishnet, spandex, chains, chiffon, leopard print, and occasionally fur. One will often see a lot of men in boots, popular styles being decked out cowboy boots, motorcycle boots, and platform heeled hooker boots. Generally the look is a mixture of slutiness and badassitude that was basically created by putting on all the items of clothing dudes associate with stuff they like at the same time (fishnets, cowboy boots, scarves cause pirates are badass, makeup cause hot chicks wear makeup, and leather cause leather is sexy and badass)
Habits of Glam Dudes
After Quiet Riot's record hit the genre became famous, and record companies realized that these guys had hit on some magical formula that both managed to impress teenage boys (songs about sex, blending in with the babes in their music videos) and to make teenage girls swoon (hip thrusting and glitter, teenage girls fucking love glitter)
This formula also worked to get these guys laid like crazy, one musician famously having had sex 4,000 times. This proves that long blonde hair and slutty outfits don't just work for getting male attention, women are just as likely to fall for scantily clad members of the opposite sex with pretty hair.
In any case soon enough plenty of new bands were popping up bringing more pop influence, and taking the look up a notch.
Hair got bigger, egos somehow managed to increase, and yet more spandex was added, because why the hell not? Similar genres like Glam Punk (a more cerebral, more political version of glam metal) emerged creating bands like Hanoi Rocks, and Dogs D'amour who sang songs that weren't about sex sometimes, and also liked The Ramones.
In other cases bands like Twisted Sister, and Lizzie Borden took the look to a disturbing drag-queenish extreme, making up in shock value what they lost in sex appeal (and god did they lose in sex appeal).
More and more bands hopped on the band wagon, leading to bands like White Snake humiliating everyone in later life, and Bon Jovi being momentarily awesome... a moment he never forgot and has been trying to recapture since.
However Dee Snyder being terrifying aside, this era was filled with hard rocking, rampant drug abuse, dudes in makeup, babes in little to no clothing, a complete and utter lack of angsty crap, and guitar solos that showcased both the musical abilities and flexibility of the performer. In other words this era fucking kicked ass.
"Taste the fire, lick the wind" - Poison - Ride The Wind
Not drink the wind, lick the wind, they want you to lick it. To add insult to injury they then go on to repeatedly misuse the phrase "midnight sun" which is only supposed to refer to Alaska... and unless that song is somehow about riding motorcycles through Alaska it makes no goddamn sense, actually even if it were about riding motorcycles through Alaska it wouldn't make any goddamn sense.
"I got my finger in the pie
my hand in the cookie jar
It's Just A Lick And A Promise
In The Back Seat Of My Car" - Motley Crue - Bad Boy Boogie
Crue's grasp of metaphor is so subtle and delicate, it's quite stunning.
"I know a thing or two about -- sweet little sister
Her mama kill her if she knew what she do -- sweet little sister
She'll love ya black and blue -- sweet little sister
Mona Lisa with a new tattoo
She's my sweet little -- sweet little sister" - Skid Row - Sweet Little Sister
What's great here is you have no idea what to focus on, the fact that he's implying his little sister is a whore, the fact that he's implying his little sister is a dominatrix... or the fact that he's implying that both of these facts turn him on.
"We got the fist, the fist of fury
We're fighting for love
We're not giving up," - Wildstreet - We Got The Fist
Am i the only one who thought about fisting here? Seriously?

Hanoi Rocks: Glam Pirates

Captain Jack Sparrow: Hm, eyeliner... wild hair... bandana head band...lots of jewelry... open shirt, this all seems strangely familiar.

Just The Facts
- Glam Metal was invented in the 1980s as an extension of British Glam Rock... like every American version of something British, ours is dumber and sluttier
- Glam Metal is pop-y, with lyrical content primarily about sex, and occasionally about drugs, or getting in fights.
- Glam Metal is generally shunned by fans of other genres of Metal because it's... well yeah.
- Glam Metal musicians have been known to get laid more than musicians in any other genre of music.
- Glam Metal dudes are the only guys who can get laid by thrusting their hips at a girl and asking if she "wants a ride"
- The author of this article thinks glam metal dudes are sexy.
- There are three basic looks in glam metal "Glam Pirate" "Glam Cowboy" and to a lesser extent "Glam Biker"
- Shiny objects and tits are the easiest way to get a glam metal dude's attention.
- Glam Metal is actually really fucking manly, in as much as these dudes did nothing but bang hot chicks, do drugs, and get in fights.
Glam Metal in General
Glam Metal is a genre of heavy metal influenced mainly by glam rock (David Bowie, T. Rex, Roxy Music, The New York Dolls) and the chicago electric blues, and typified by long teased hair, bright or dramatic makeup, flamboyant costumes, showy live performances, and decadence beyond any normal human's wildest imaginings. These guys took the "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll" motto and took it further than it had ever gone before or has ever gone since.Bands include Poison, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Pretty Boy Floyd, Dokken, Kiss, Guns n' Roses, Skid Row, Ratt, Faster Pussy Cat, W.A.S.P (Which might stand for: Without Acronym, sorry people), Van Halen, Danger Danger, Hanoi Rocks (technically glam punk), Cinderella, and many others too numerous to name.
The look usually involves lots of leather, metallic and neon colors, fishnet, spandex, chains, chiffon, leopard print, and occasionally fur. One will often see a lot of men in boots, popular styles being decked out cowboy boots, motorcycle boots, and platform heeled hooker boots. Generally the look is a mixture of slutiness and badassitude that was basically created by putting on all the items of clothing dudes associate with stuff they like at the same time (fishnets, cowboy boots, scarves cause pirates are badass, makeup cause hot chicks wear makeup, and leather cause leather is sexy and badass)
Habits of Glam Dudes
- Glam Metal dudes frequently use their boots as pockets, keeping knives, cigarettes, lighters, and lipgloss in there because their pants are too tight for the pockets to be anything more than decorative.
- Glam Metal dudes address everybody as: babe, dude, bro, baby, sweetie, darlin' or honey. Unsurprisingly "babe" is a gender neutral form of address. They do this because they're usually too inebriated to remember people's names.
- Glam metal's drugs of choice are generally cocaine and alcohol.
- Glam dudes are generally a pretty macho bunch, despite spending three hours on their hair. Insult them at your own peril, lugging around amps and having sex constantly means they're usually stronger than they look, and they like to get in fights, and if you lost, seriously imagine the shame, man.
- Glam dudes are required to have dated at least one stripper in their life before officially being considered glam dudes. They do this by shopping for clothes at the same places as strippers... or so I suspect.
- Glam dudes have an inordinate fondness for bandanas, wearing them as skull caps, head bands, tying them to belt loops, and tourniquet style around their arms. This is because bandanas serve a myriad of purposes to glam dudes, as they can be used to keep rampant hair out of the way, as a tourniquet in preparation to inject heroin, for an impromptu bondage device with a groupie, to absorb the effects of a cocaine induced nose bleed, or to dab away sweat that might otherwise ruin their makeup... also because bandanas remind them of pirates.

In the 80s this was the face of badass.
How The Hell did That Start?
Glam Metal first appeared in the late 70s/early 80s in Los Angeles around the Sunset strip, by such bands as Van Halen, London (the first band of Motley Crue's famously slutty and strung out bass player Nikki Sixx), Kiss, and Quiet Riot, with guys that liked both Led Zepplin and T. Rex... and also liked strippers and cocaine.After Quiet Riot's record hit the genre became famous, and record companies realized that these guys had hit on some magical formula that both managed to impress teenage boys (songs about sex, blending in with the babes in their music videos) and to make teenage girls swoon (hip thrusting and glitter, teenage girls fucking love glitter)
This formula also worked to get these guys laid like crazy, one musician famously having had sex 4,000 times. This proves that long blonde hair and slutty outfits don't just work for getting male attention, women are just as likely to fall for scantily clad members of the opposite sex with pretty hair.
In any case soon enough plenty of new bands were popping up bringing more pop influence, and taking the look up a notch.

Motley Crue whorin' it up
The Golden Age
In the mid to late 80s glam metal grew to epic proportions because it was accessible and about the world's most relatable subject matter. This was the era when fame allowed even more rampant debauchery than before, and guys in bigger bands could go through thousands of dollars worth of drugs a day, and have an endless parade of groupies advancing through their bedrooms.Hair got bigger, egos somehow managed to increase, and yet more spandex was added, because why the hell not? Similar genres like Glam Punk (a more cerebral, more political version of glam metal) emerged creating bands like Hanoi Rocks, and Dogs D'amour who sang songs that weren't about sex sometimes, and also liked The Ramones.
In other cases bands like Twisted Sister, and Lizzie Borden took the look to a disturbing drag-queenish extreme, making up in shock value what they lost in sex appeal (and god did they lose in sex appeal).

Twisted Sister: The unholy love child of a drag queen and the monster under your bed
During this period, Motley Crue's vocalist (Vince Neil) and bass player (Nikki Sixx) had a who could go longest without bathing and still fuck groupies contest, which ended when a groupie threw up on Nikki.More and more bands hopped on the band wagon, leading to bands like White Snake humiliating everyone in later life, and Bon Jovi being momentarily awesome... a moment he never forgot and has been trying to recapture since.
However Dee Snyder being terrifying aside, this era was filled with hard rocking, rampant drug abuse, dudes in makeup, babes in little to no clothing, a complete and utter lack of angsty crap, and guitar solos that showcased both the musical abilities and flexibility of the performer. In other words this era fucking kicked ass.
Later Glam Metal - Modern Glam Metal
In the early to mid nineties glam metal/hair metal bands were still producing plenty of new material, especially bands like Skid Row, Guns N' Roses, and The Bullet Boys, but despite this the genre fell out of favor because men got sick of holding themselves to the same standards of grooming they held for women, and pretending to be deep and sensitive seemed easier, so everyone got into grunge and pretended to care about crap.
Kurt Cobain: The guy who ended the era of constant sex and partying and brought us angst.
Modern Glam Acts
Despite the mainstream death of glam metal, an underground following for it has continued to exist, biding its time until the world wants to party again. Modern bands that follow in the tradition include Dirty Penny, Wildstreet, Veins of Jenna, The Dirrty Angelz, and many more. Somehow, despite these bands being relatively underground, they continue in the tradition of their forebearers having massive numbers of groupies and doing tons of cocaine.Lyrical Genius in Glam Metal
Glam Metal is "well known" for its "deep and thoughtful" lyrical content... but some lines shine out among the rest, those lines are showcased here.Lyrics
"Taste the fire, lick the wind" - Poison - Ride The Wind
Not drink the wind, lick the wind, they want you to lick it. To add insult to injury they then go on to repeatedly misuse the phrase "midnight sun" which is only supposed to refer to Alaska... and unless that song is somehow about riding motorcycles through Alaska it makes no goddamn sense, actually even if it were about riding motorcycles through Alaska it wouldn't make any goddamn sense.
"I got my finger in the pie
my hand in the cookie jar
It's Just A Lick And A Promise
In The Back Seat Of My Car" - Motley Crue - Bad Boy Boogie
Crue's grasp of metaphor is so subtle and delicate, it's quite stunning.
"I know a thing or two about -- sweet little sister
Her mama kill her if she knew what she do -- sweet little sister
She'll love ya black and blue -- sweet little sister
Mona Lisa with a new tattoo
She's my sweet little -- sweet little sister" - Skid Row - Sweet Little Sister
What's great here is you have no idea what to focus on, the fact that he's implying his little sister is a whore, the fact that he's implying his little sister is a dominatrix... or the fact that he's implying that both of these facts turn him on.
"We got the fist, the fist of fury
We're fighting for love
We're not giving up," - Wildstreet - We Got The Fist
Am i the only one who thought about fisting here? Seriously?
Glam Metal Style
As stated before there are three basic looks in glam metal, which are "Glam Pirate/Glam Gypsy," "Glam Cowboy," and "Glam Biker/Glam Mercenary." This is because the idea is to basically look like a lawless badass who doesn't play by the rules, including the rules about men not wearing makeup. Admittedly this section is largely an excuse for me to put up pictures of pretty pretty men in makeup.
The Pirate Glam/Gypsy Glam Look
Pirate glam and gypsy glam share a sort of half destroyed decadent look to them, with a lot of sort of frayed and distressed velvet, scarves, and tons of jewelry. Glam dudes like dressing like pirates because pirates are bad-ass, don't play by the rules, collect shiny things (treasure, dubloons, jewels), and also because a quick glance at the romance novel section in any bookstore or by the checkout of a grocery store will tell you that women go nuts for pirates... thus pirate glam. Captain Jack Sparrow bears an uncanny resemblance to a lot of glam metal dudes.

Hanoi Rocks: Glam Pirates

Captain Jack Sparrow: Hm, eyeliner... wild hair... bandana head band...lots of jewelry... open shirt, this all seems strangely familiar.
The Cowboy Glam Look
The cowboy glam look is usually quite brightly colored and glitzy, borrowing elements more from the outfits of country musicians than actual cowboys, heavily embellished cowboy hats and boots, and blinged out belt buckles are usually involved. Glam dudes like cowboys because they're free roamin' badasses in a lawless wild desert, because they wear bandanas, because their boots have a heel and pointed toes, because spurs are shiny, and because much like pirates, women fucking love cowboys.

Nikki Sixx: Glamin' it up cowboy style
The Biker Glam/Mercenary Glam Look
Biker glam and mercenary glam tie in together because they both tend to involve lots of black leather, and often peaked military caps, as well as chains, and more skulls than you'd normally see in glam metal. This works well because glam dudes like leather, shiny things like military decorations, and excuses to wear chaps (See: Cowboy Glam)

Pretty Boy Floyd: Glam Bikers
The "Generally Not Reccomended" Look
There is actually a secret fourth glam metal look which is the "generally not recommended." It goes something like this:

Wasp: Generally not recommended
Groupies: To Compensate the Male Readers
If you didn't enjoy the previous sections, here are some of the babes who dated/slept with glam metal dudes to make up for it.

Susie Hatton: Brett Michael's ex-girlfriend

Pamela Anderson: Tommy Lee's ex-wife

Brandie Brandt: Nikki Sixx's ex-girlfriend

Donna D'errico: Another of Nikki Sixx's ex-girlfriends
Read more:
glam metal,
Hair Metal,
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Eminem warning
hip hop,
parental advisory,
surgeon general warning,
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Birdman Face Tattoos
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Birdman-SouljaBoy 'Rich Gang' face tattoos |
Three days prior, Soulja Boy posted a picture on Instagram of himself with a similar Rich Gang tattoo, except his is written in block letters.
The only centimillionaire CEO on earth with so many shitty tattoos on his face. |
Obviously, the tats are in honor of Cash Money’s latest business ventures outside of music. At this point, Birdman will be running out of room for any additional ink. Among some of his past artwork includes the infamous 5-star tats which cover his noggin and the “B” and “W” tats (for “Bryan Williams”) on his right and left biceps.
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Perfect pic with a lot of ink and bling! |
Birdman face tattoos,
Birdman head tattoos,
Birdman tattoos,
hip hop,
shitty tattoos,
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Guns N' Roses - Soundcheck Rock in Rio II 1991
Guns N' Roses - Soundcheck Rock in Rio II 1991
Prueba de sonido de los Guns N' Roses en Rio de Janeiro , Enero 20 de 1991.
En ese dia hizo su debut con la banda el baterista Matt Sorum ante nada mas y nada menos ante 170.000 Funs.
Soundcheck of Guns N' Roses for Rock In Rio II in Maracana Stadium (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil).
January 20 concert was their first ever with then new drummer Matt Sorum and keyboard player Dizzy Reed in front of 170,000 people. GNR releases Use Your Illusion I and II. Fuck them they never had any business in Guns N' Roses whatsoever.
Izzy doesn't seem to feel Rio's hot temperature. lol
Guns N' Roses,
Rock in Rio II,
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Axl Rose Gets Angry at a Guy Wearing a Slash T-Shirt
Axl Rose Gets Angry at a Guy Wearing a Slash T-Shirt
Axl Rose,
Guns N' Roses,
Slash T-shirt,
Monday, March 4, 2013
NPA (National Pimp Association) T-Shirt
hip hop,
hip hop gangsta pimp,
NSFW Offensive,
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Axl Rose first interview in 20 years
Axl Rose- 1st TV Interview in 20 yrs!-ABC TV via Jimmy Kimmle Live!
- 16:45
Here is Axl Rose's 1st TV interview in over 20 years! It was on ABC's Jimmy Kimmle Live!Enjoy & Please subscribe to both my News & Hobbies channel's!
"Guns N' Roses TV Appearences" "Axl Rose" "Axl Rose on Jimmy Kimmle" "Bumblefoot" "Guns N' Roses" "TV" "Jimmy Kimmle Live" "ABC TV" "News Channel 9" "Axl Rose on TV"
What happened to his hair?
His look???
Axl is surprisingly funny and charming.
Classy, he gave everybody tickets and burgers.
Axl Rose > Santa Claus
We thought he would be three hours too late and beat up the interviwer.
20 years,
Axl Rose,
Guns N Roses,
Guns N' Roses,
Jimmy Kimmle,
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Snake Of Eden / Sunset Triplets
Poison music
Tokio Hotel music
Snake Of Eden aka Sunset Triplets were all 25 years old and known as '84 (Calle "Kelii" Landeberg), '85 (Pelle "Rock" Landeberg), '86 (Nisse "Izzy" Landeberg) in VH1 's Daisy de la Hoya "Daisy Of Love" April 26, 2009. They were eliminated the same night after admitting they were just there for the free food and booze.
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Snake Of Eden aka Sunset Triplets The triplets were born 1984 in Sundsvall, Sweden. |
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VH1 's Daisy de la Hoya "Daisy Of Love" cast of 20 men on April 26, 2009 |
The Swedish blond triplets of glam metal band Snake Of Eden making out with Lady Gaga in her video "Paparazzi".
Snake of Eden - Back to life
Snake of Eden - Hollywood Blues & Rock n' roll (alt version)
Daisy Of Love,
glam metal,
Lady Gaga,
Snake Of Eden,
Sunset Triplets,
Friday, February 22, 2013
Guns N' Roses MTV Rockumentary 1988/1989
Guns N' Roses,
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Riskay - Smell Yo Dick
Smell Yo Dick (lyrics)
(Opening)Nigga this the fifth teeth muthafuckin time that I called and left yo ass messages
I dun text yo bitch ass and you aint responded to nothing
What the fuck is you doin who tha fuck you out there with you think I'm stupid my girls dun already put me up on yo ass tonight night nigga when you get home I got som news foe yo bitch ass
(Chorus 2times)
Why you coming home five in the mone
Somethings going on can I smell yo dick?
Don't play me like a fool cause dat ain't cool
So what you need to do is let me smell yo dick
(Hook 1)
It's four o'clock and I'm sleepin' and it's late night and you creeping you could've told me I'm leavin' now I know you out there cheatin' why you got to do me like dat when I call you don't call me back I'm texting you now nigga where you at that's fucked up why you do me like dat
(Verse 1)
I'm dead sleep and you trickin'
In the club wit dirty foot bitches
My gurl was there she witness
She had a camera phone she took pictures
You was on the dance flo grindin'
With a stripper hoe named Diamond
You was flossin' hard you was shinning
Everything she drink you buyin' it
Fuck nigga you need to stop lien' foe I get mad and pull out my nine
You want a new bitch to fuck that's fine but don't fuck hers and try to fuck mine
You keep tellin me you ain't touch her but some keep tellin me you dun fucked her and I ain't that bitch you want to play wit nigga drop them boxers let me smell yo dick
(Chours 2tyms)
Why you coming home five in the mone
Somethings going on can I smell yo dick?
Don't play me like a fool cause dat ain't cool
So what you need to do is let me smell yo dick
Smell my dick wait a minute hold up see that's how a bitch get her eyes swoll up and I don't give a damn what yo homegurls seen when I was in the club what the fuck you mean they ain't got no business eyein' me like dat
You ain't got no business tryin' me like dat
I wun even feelin' Diamond like dat I was wildin' but I wasn't clowin' like dat
Dat's alright dat's okay gon head believe what yo homegurl say a nigga like me drink a lot of liquor meet a lot of bitchs take a lot of pictures
I might break bread wit one or two strippers but that don't mean you got to pull my zipper
Thinking I dick down the whole town even though I got dick to go around
(Chorus 2times)
Why you coming home five in the mone
Somethings going on can I smell yo dick?
Don't play me like a fool cause dat ain't cool
So what you need to do is let me smell yo dick.
Other chicks with attitude
Lady - Yankin
Drama Queen,
hip hop,
official video,
r n b,
Smell Yo,
Smell Yo Dick
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Kid Rock - American Bad Ass [Official Video]
KID ROCK "American Bad Ass" LYRICS
And I set up and tore down this stage with my own two hands
We've travel this land packed tight in mini vans
And all this for the fans, girls, money, and fame
I played their game
And as they scream my name
I will show no shame
I live and die for this
And if I come off soft
Then chew on this
Are you scared?
Devil Without A Cause
And I'm back with the beaver hats
And Ben Davis slacks
Thirty pack of Strohs
Thirty pack of hoes
No rogaine and the propane flows
The chosen one
I'm the living proof
With the gift of gab
From the city of truth
I jabbed and stabbed
And knocked critics back
And I did not stutter when I said that
I'm going platinum
Sellin rhymes
I went platinum
Seven times
And still they ill
They wanna see us fry
I guess because Only God Knows Why
Why why why why
They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me see where you're at
Say hey hey
Let me hear where your at and say hey hey
I'm givin it back, so say hey hey
Show me some metal and say
Hey hey hey hey
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gat!!!!!
Fuck all y'all
I like AC/DC and ZZ Top
Bocephus, Beasties and the kings of rock
Skynyrd, Segar, Limp, Korn, the Stones
David Allen Coe and no show Jones
Pass that bottle around
Got the rock from Detroit
Soul from Motown
The underground stoned fuckin pimp
With tracks that mack and slap back the whack
Never gay, no way, I don't play with ass
But watch me rock with Liberace flash
Punk rock, The clash
Boy bands are trash
I like Johnny Cash and Grand Master Flash
Flash flash flash flash
They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me see where you're at
Say hey hey
Let me hear where your at and say hey hey
I'm givin it back, so say hey hey
Show me some metal and say
Hey hey hey hey
Uh, uh, uh, Gat
Yeah, I saw your band
Jumpin around on stage like a bunch of wounded ducks
When you gonna learn sucker
You just can't fuck with
Twisted Brbrbr Brown Brown...TRUCKER
I'm an... American Bad Ass
Watch me kick
You can roll with rock
Or you can Suck My Dick (undedited version) or Radio Edit (edited version)
I'm a porno flick, I'm like amazing grace
I'm gonna fuck some hoe's after I rock this place
Super fly, livin double wide
Side car my glide
So Joe C can ride
Full sack to share
Bringin flash and glare
Got the long hair swingin middle finger in the air
Snakeskin suits, Sixty-five Chevelle's
See me ride in sin
Hear the rebel yell
I won't live to tell
So if you do
Give the next generation a big, Fuck You!
Who knew I'd blow up like Oklahoma
Said fuck highschool, pissed on my diploma
Smell the aroma
Check my hits
I know it stinks in here
Cause I'm the shit, shit, shit, shit, shit
They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air, let me see where you're at
Say hey hey
Let me hear where you're at and say hey hey
I'm givin' it back so say, hey hey
Show me some metal and say
Hey hey hey hey
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...huh huh
I'm a cowboy
Bad ass in black
Hey hey hey hey
From side to side
From front to back
Say hey hey hey hey
I put Detroit city back on the map
And singin
Hey hey hey hey
Kid Rock's in the house
And thats where I'm at
And I set up and tore down this stage with my own two hands
We've travel this land packed tight in mini vans
And all this for the fans, girls, money, and fame
I played their game
And as they scream my name
I will show no shame
I live and die for this
And if I come off soft
Then chew on this
Are you scared?
Devil Without A Cause
And I'm back with the beaver hats
And Ben Davis slacks
Thirty pack of Strohs
Thirty pack of hoes
No rogaine and the propane flows
The chosen one
I'm the living proof
With the gift of gab
From the city of truth
I jabbed and stabbed
And knocked critics back
And I did not stutter when I said that
I'm going platinum
Sellin rhymes
I went platinum
Seven times
And still they ill
They wanna see us fry
I guess because Only God Knows Why
Why why why why
They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me see where you're at
Say hey hey
Let me hear where your at and say hey hey
I'm givin it back, so say hey hey
Show me some metal and say
Hey hey hey hey
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gat!!!!!
Fuck all y'all
I like AC/DC and ZZ Top
Bocephus, Beasties and the kings of rock
Skynyrd, Segar, Limp, Korn, the Stones
David Allen Coe and no show Jones
Pass that bottle around
Got the rock from Detroit
Soul from Motown
The underground stoned fuckin pimp
With tracks that mack and slap back the whack
Never gay, no way, I don't play with ass
But watch me rock with Liberace flash
Punk rock, The clash
Boy bands are trash
I like Johnny Cash and Grand Master Flash
Flash flash flash flash
They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me see where you're at
Say hey hey
Let me hear where your at and say hey hey
I'm givin it back, so say hey hey
Show me some metal and say
Hey hey hey hey
Uh, uh, uh, Gat
Yeah, I saw your band
Jumpin around on stage like a bunch of wounded ducks
When you gonna learn sucker
You just can't fuck with
Twisted Brbrbr Brown Brown...TRUCKER
I'm an... American Bad Ass
Watch me kick
You can roll with rock
Or you can Suck My Dick (undedited version) or Radio Edit (edited version)
I'm a porno flick, I'm like amazing grace
I'm gonna fuck some hoe's after I rock this place
Super fly, livin double wide
Side car my glide
So Joe C can ride
Full sack to share
Bringin flash and glare
Got the long hair swingin middle finger in the air
Snakeskin suits, Sixty-five Chevelle's
See me ride in sin
Hear the rebel yell
I won't live to tell
So if you do
Give the next generation a big, Fuck You!
Who knew I'd blow up like Oklahoma
Said fuck highschool, pissed on my diploma
Smell the aroma
Check my hits
I know it stinks in here
Cause I'm the shit, shit, shit, shit, shit
They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air, let me see where you're at
Say hey hey
Let me hear where you're at and say hey hey
I'm givin' it back so say, hey hey
Show me some metal and say
Hey hey hey hey
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...huh huh
I'm a cowboy
Bad ass in black
Hey hey hey hey
From side to side
From front to back
Say hey hey hey hey
I put Detroit city back on the map
And singin
Hey hey hey hey
Kid Rock's in the house
And thats where I'm at
After the bombing of the USS Cole in October 2000, the song was played on the ship's PA system upon leaving the port of Yemen after the national anthem and other patriotic songs were played.
This song was the entrance theme for WWE wrestler The Undertaker for a short time in 2000 under his biker persona. The song's title, "American Bad Ass", eventually became the name of the gimmick.
Official website:
The other American Bad Ass
the fearsome and legit 6ft 7.5in (202 cm)
WWE pro wrestler The Undertaker
The Undertaker took on a second persona during this portion of his WWF career. He abandoned the Gothic mortician-themed attire, his funeral dirge ring music, allusions to the supernatural, and the accompanying theatrics of his ring entrance. The Undertaker now took on the personality of a biker, riding to the ring on a motorcycle, and wearing sunglasses and bandanas to the ring. His ring music was now replaced with popular rock songs of the time, like Limp Bizkit's "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)" and Kid Rock's "American Bad Ass" (from which the name of The Undertaker's new gimmick originated), though it was accompanied by the characteristic opening bell gong of The Undertaker's original theme.
Undertaker Return in 2000 as American Badass
Undertaker Judgment Day Theme(First American Bad Ass Theme)
Interesting article about Kid Rock:
The Undertaker / American Bad Ass entrances:
American Bad Ass,
American Badass,
Heavy Metal,
Kid Rock,
official video,
pro wrestler,
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Lady - Yankin
Lady - Yankin (Prod. by WMGI/BC)
Females can rap too.
Hardcore hip hop females with attitude > Respect.
‘This Pussy Be Yankin, This Pussy Be Yankin, This Pussy Be Yankin’
Pussy be Yankin [official video] BANNED uncut version.
"This pussy be yankin,"
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Females can rap too.
Hardcore hip hop females with attitude > Respect.
‘This Pussy Be Yankin, This Pussy Be Yankin, This Pussy Be Yankin’
Pussy be Yankin [official video] BANNED uncut version.
"This pussy be yankin,"
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Ride dick like a pro, throw the pussy like I’m famous,
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
My pussy be yankin, got this nigga feelin’ hypnotized,
Close your eyes, hold my thighs, we gonna enjoy this ride,
I see that magnum wrapper, nigga that’s the perfect size,
And you can hit it whenever, ain’t gotta fantasize.
Look like you tired, I suggest you pop a pill or two,
You gotta keep up, when I make this thing do what it do.
You think you want it but you don’t really want none,
I ain’t come to play, I came to get this job done.
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Ride dick like a pro, throw the pussy like I’m famous,
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
He dropped his pants and he hollerin’ he “ready.”
We’ll throw his money, you can keep that confetti.
We switchin’ lanes, then we fuck in the Chevy,
Don’t need no room, so we bypassin’ the telly.
This nigga said it feel like that his rubber ain’t on,
He said “good pussy” and the feelin be strong,
Give me my drank so I can get in my zone,
Then you can give me whatever you want.
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Ride dick like a pro, throw the pussy like I’m famous,
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
I hope you strapped for this incredible ride,
Look at my hips, they got a hell of a grind,
I started slow so you can relax your mind,
Cause once I finish, you gonna be outta yo mind.
I’m throwin’ it back and you throwin’ a little change,
He thinkin’ ‘bout gettin’ a tattoo of my name,
He just forgettin’ it, but I been in his game,
Didn’t have no teacher, but this pussy been trained.
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Ride dick like a pro, throw the pussy like I’m famous,
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
My pussy be yankin, got this nigga feelin’ hypnotized,
Close your eyes, hold my thighs, we gonna enjoy this ride,
I see that magnum wrapper, nigga that’s the perfect size,
And you can hit it whenever, ain’t gotta fantasize.
Look like you tired, I suggest you pop a pill or two,
You gotta keep up, when I make this thing do what it do.
You think you want it but you don’t really want none,
I ain’t come to play, I came to get this job done.
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Ride dick like a pro, throw the pussy like I’m famous,
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
He dropped his pants and he hollerin’ he “ready.”
We’ll throw his money, you can keep that confetti.
We switchin’ lanes, then we fuck in the Chevy,
Don’t need no room, so we bypassin’ the telly.
This nigga said it feel like that his rubber ain’t on,
He said “good pussy” and the feelin be strong,
Give me my drank so I can get in my zone,
Then you can give me whatever you want.
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Ride dick like a pro, throw the pussy like I’m famous,
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
I hope you strapped for this incredible ride,
Look at my hips, they got a hell of a grind,
I started slow so you can relax your mind,
Cause once I finish, you gonna be outta yo mind.
I’m throwin’ it back and you throwin’ a little change,
He thinkin’ ‘bout gettin’ a tattoo of my name,
He just forgettin’ it, but I been in his game,
Didn’t have no teacher, but this pussy been trained.
I can’t even lie, I fuck better when I’m drankin,
Ride dick like a pro, throw the pussy like I’m famous,
Pussy feels so good, feels like the rubber off, ain’t it?
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
This pussy be yankin, I know this pussy be yankin,
You ain’t gotta tell me, I know this pussy be yankin.
Other chicks with attitude
Riskay - Smell Yo Dick
female rapper,
hip hop,
official video,
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