Sunday, February 21, 2021

Eyes Tattooed Black's Satans Schlongs Member #JoinSatansSatans premium T-Shirt

Satans Schlongs member with eyes tattooed black, face tattoos, and fully tattooed wearing a Satans Schlongs promo t-shirt.


Join Satans Schlongs

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Most un-punk "Punk" Compilation


Imagine a "Punk" Compilation with Huey Lewis And The News, Culture Club (Yes, Boy George), Eurythmics, The Human League... 
What a joke!

Huey Lewis, punk rock icon or old fart?

If you talk about anti-etablishment punk rockers, you can't be far away from it. Imagine the poor kid who settted some money aside to buy his CD or cassette. Attracted by the PUNK album art cover, he would buy it and become the laughing stock of his school.

Those two wig-wearing jackasses have no idea what punk is.

Monday, February 1, 2021

How to Be a Billionaire Narco-Dictator / Como ser un Narco Dictador Mil Millonario


How to Be a Billionaire Narco-Dictator / Como ser un Narco Dictador Mil Millonario. A question that many people might ask. Who wouldn't want an illimited supply of Money and absolute Power over everything. You don't need to follow the law. You are the law. A gold throne, sex slaves and machine gun-armed soldiers to protect yourself from some very dangerous enemies.

Handmade colored pencils Artwork by PYGOD.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Satans Schlongs colors

Satans Schlongs. Is it a Clothing Brand, A Metal Band or a Biker Gang?

Guess for what the BBG stands for.