Showing posts with label NSBM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NSBM. Show all posts

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Satans Schlongs is the Modern-day Sex Seditionaries

 The first goal of Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLauren short-lived  SEX boutique (1974-1976) and Seditionaries clothing collection was to shock by breaking all taboos.

DESTROY shirt as worn by Johnny Rotten and Mick Jagger in The Sex Pistols vs. The Rolling Stones feud to see who's the most edgy band.

The Vivienne Westwood's swastika DESTROY shirt as worn by Johnny Rotten and Mick Jagger in The Sex Pistols vs. The Rolling Stones feud to see who's the most edgy and dangerous band in the world.

Mick Jagger, Steve Jones (Sex Pistols) & Vivienne Westwood all wearing the DESTROY swastika shirt.
Mick Jagger, Steve Jones (Sex Pistols) & Vivienne Westwood all wearing the DESTROY swastika shirt.

The swastika was and still is, now more than ever, the perfect symbol of provocation. At the time, punk rockers and Mick Jagger himself wore it for shock value only. Neither of them were nazi nor racist. Some offended snowflakes will certainly shed tears of blood seeing this.

Siouxsie Sioux with a young Billy Idol in the background.
Siouxsie Sioux with a young Billy Idol in the background. At right, you can see the Seditionaries gay cowboys t-shirt. And another swastika for the offended. It's called Nazi chic, snowflakes. But don't worry, there is also a Communist chic and even a Jihad Cool.

Malcolm McLauren & Vivienne Westwood 1976 wearing some X-rated explicit shirt of their creation.
Malcolm McLauren & Vivienne Westwood in 1976 wearing some X-rated explicit shirt of their creation. McLauren is wearing his Cambridge Rapist shirt and Westwood... well. See by yourself!

Malcolm McLauren x Vivienne Westwood 1977 Seditionaries collection still has some shock value to this date.

Lady Gaga seditionaries version of Snow white fucked by the 7 midgets.
Lady Gaga wears the Seditionaries' version of the Wall Disney classic: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. She seems to wear it often. "Snow White & The Six Punks".


2nd Part

Conservative old farts vs. Liberal snowflakes.
Conservative old farts vs. Liberal snowflakes. 
A quite similar pain in the ass!

At the time, the enemies were the conservative old farts but now we have the liberal snowflakes. Not really a change for the best.

Knowing this fact, what would be more "appropriate" and politically incorrect to shock the modern-day Moral Guards aka SJW aka Social Justice Warriors aka Liberal snowflaked aka the offended?

NSBM Black Metal

Personally I don't understand why National Socialist Black Metal, a sub-niche of another sub-niche of Heavy Metal music became the favorite target of the Antifa

Antifa Black Metal.
As seen on this meme, Antifa seems to target Black Metal as a whole. Good for them, they will have a little more people to hate and persecute.



3rd Part

With that being said, finally, I give you as promise, the Modern-Day Seditionaries.  


It seem that the anti-snowflake Satans Schlongs have everything in place to offend the offended. Just like the original punk rockers, and Mick Jagger, did in the 70s.

Take a look at this one:

It look even more bad ass when worn by a Black man.

Do you think he is into NSBM for real or he just want to offend the offended?

Would you dare to ask him?

Anyway, there is a lot more interesting "shock value" stuff on their website.

As the T-Shirt says: Are You Not OFFENDED?

SJW offended snowflake by excellence.

Related links:

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Shining vs antifa

Being on antifa blacklist should be a badge of honour for any Black Metal band. Just like it was cool to have the Tipper's sticker on your album in the 90s.

H&M fake Metal bands to sell T-Shirts


Swedish underground metal promotional agency STRONG SCENE PRODUCTIONS was pleasantly surprised when Swedish clothing industry giant HENNES & MAURITZ decided to honour legendary underground metal acts from their roster in H & M's latest fashion collection.

Now STRONG SCENE PRODUCTIONS is happy to provide a musical trip down in memory lane in support of HENNES & MAURITZ Heavy & Metal clothing line showcasing the talents and forgotten jewels of global underground metal music.

As illustrated by the bomber jacket and t-shirts worn by the models of H & M, the new items feature logos from long-forgotten underground goth- and thrash acts such as the French LANY, Mexican MORTUS and GREY from Germany – the originator of the whole symphonic female metal-genre.

These groups together with the likes of extreme metallers MOTMROS and neo-folkers THE ONE formed the basis for a whole generation of music in 1980's, music that was traded on tapes rather than as files, music that served as an inspiration to all of the most successful bands still recording today, from Meshuggah to the likes of Nightwish.

As most of the bands featured on the HENNES & MAURITZ clothing line are from long before the age of digital music, there is now a compilation project in the works by STRONG SCENE PRODUCTIONS, collecting together all of the works of these long forgotten jewels of metal music that never hit it big to the masses until now – thanks to the talented designers at HENNES & MAURITZ.

A demonstration sampler compiled by STRONG SCENE PRODUCTIONS showcasing the talents of these gone, but not forgotten underground metal talents has now been uploaded to Strong Scene's YouTube-channel for your listening pleasure at:


YouTube Channel:

Related links:

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Black Metal Scene Needs to Be Destroyed

The Black Metal Scene Needs to Be Destroyed

Odin Doesn't Listen to NSBM You Inbred Alt​-​right Shitheels



From the album The Black Metal Scene Needs to Be Destroyed from Gaylord 
Release date: August 11, 2018


Thanks to NSBM's number one hater Gaylord to give us the NSBM Black Metal beginner starting pack.
If Lord Gaylord hates these bands beyond all, you can consider them the worst of the worst. 

The NSBM Black Metal Dirty Dozen
(The Most Extreme Bands of Extreme Metal Music)

Most of the twelve terrors bands are one-man project and are themed around Satanism, nationalism, paganism and nihilism. Anti-Christianity is encouraged but hatred toward other religions is frowned upon by the metalhead community.


You can pretend to be a Satanist.
You can be a murderer.
You can burn churches.
You can sing about killing million of Christians, dismembering, disemboweling, torturing, raping and killing people.
But it is perfectly okay to shit on a crucifix...

If you disobey any of the above rules, the witch-hunters of the ANTIFA will persecute you til you die. 

Then a citation to resume the whole situation about NSBM biased by double-standard, hypocrisy and stupidity.

"Compassion and Ethics isnt what black metal is about. Political correctness has 0 place in black metal. Can sing about murdering Christians but you can't sing about murdering Muslims or Jews. Too many hypocritical metal heads whine about NSBM, yet hold no regard about shitting on Christians.Painfully obvious from comments on the board that a lot of people have been dictated to what black metal can and can not be about. If you seek the political message in NSBM , good do so. If you don't dont seek NSBM, if you like the music good, if you dont , dont moan about it. BM isnt about equality and friendship. Go pick some flowers if NSBM "offends" you"  Milldog

So for those reasons NSBM bands are the Ultimate Rebels right now. And maybe the last rebels...

Marduk vs. Antifa


Friday, January 18, 2013

National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) Movement

Heil, if you wanna know what is National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM).  Read all this article, everything you need to know about NSBM is on this very page.  Almost everything on this page came from NSBM.ORG, the now-defunct ultimate site for NSBM music, philosophy, and informations.

What is NSBM?

NSBM is shorthand for "National Socialist Black Metal," referring the
bands, fans, labels, supporters and freethinkers who comprise this
subset of the black metal underground subculture.

NSBM bands must be both National Socialist and black metal, but
there are specific tendencies of these bands that distinguish them,
such as blending ethnic music and black metal, strong nationalism,
Romantic themes, endorsement of natural selection and Nietzschean
will to power and love of struggle, as well as a fondness for the
National Socialism practiced by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP.

Outspoken NS bands
Legion of Doom
Order from Chaos
Thor's Hammer

NSBM influences
Impaled Nazarene

NS influenced

Not every band with NSBM influences has a philosophy anywhere near NS.
Black metal itself endorses natural selection and a love of all things
traditional, including ancient pagan religions and profound nationalism.
It is important to note that "race" in the context of National Socialism
means national identity and organic state as expressed through genetics,
culture, language and values.

National Socialism is a modern movement which evokes the values of
ancient civlizations where honor and culture were paramount, which
seems strange from a modern time where our only value systems focus on
material equality for the individual.

National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) Movement 

Song: Politischer Soldat
Band: Flammentod

The extremes of musical passion attract fascist ideologies in a time when a Judeo-Christian moral values have caused humanity to poison the earth and sky and waters, destroy ancient cultures and adulterate their races, enslave many to the tedium of a society motivated by commerce, and remove all desire for individuality in existence. National Socialist black metal (NSBM) is aurally hateful music that diminishes the listener and saturates them with isolationist and ancient mystical beliefs, separating the tribes so we may have our peoples remain unique and unmarketable.
Unlike most White Power music, NSBM did not originate in the White Power/White Nationalist community, but was created by outsiders who suddenly found National Socialist and Pagan ideals to be empowering and relevant. Musically it is the closest metal genre to punk hardcore that exists, borrowing from the crustcore and Satanic heavy metal traditions to formulate something opposed to all social forces including Semetic Christianity, Judaism, humanism and liberalism. Hated by the people who don't like hate groups or hate crimes, NSBM remains an outsider form of both black metal and white power music that is not fully accepted by either parent group, but is recognized by many as the only source of extremity powerful enough to fuel sonic hatred as is required for black metal. Read about NSBM, check out our black metal and white power music FAQ, and if you want white nationalist music tshirts, CDs or merchandise please visit our virtual store.

About NSBM.ORG and National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM)
NSBM has received its fair share of media, but never has had a chance to articulate itself to the world. Portrayed in broad terms of evil and fear, such as "Nazis" or "Nazi metal," the bands of NSBM have been vilified in the press and in popular lore and are considered by many to be the most hateful variant of the White Power music spectrum, as well as the most virile and destructive brand of black metal. In starting this site, our goal was to expose the artistic side of NSBM and to expound briefly upon its philosophy, so that the world might know things from our side of the fence. Since no media will cover the music or its side of the story, it is upon us here to give a small testament to actuality.

What Is NSBM? NSBM is a type of "modern" black metal, coming from the movement that arose in Scandinavia during the early 1990s. Many of the bands which initiated this genre, including Burzum, Darkthrone, Mayhem, and Impaled Nazarene, have cited or alluded to National Socialism and its imagery and ethos as part of the inspiration toward their music. Although black metal varies in sound and ideal, it shares across its genre an obsession with darkness and destruction of the Judeo-Christian social ideal, as well as a blistering sound of rasping vocals and distorted, chaotic guitars over droning percussion.

What do NSBM bands Believe? Although there is wide diversity (snicker, snicker) among the beliefs of the members of the NSBM movement, most espouse some variants of the philosophy and political ideality put forth by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP in 1930s Germany; many are also inspired by Benito Mussolini, Julius Evola, Savitri Devi and H.P. Blavatsky's Theosophy. Most accept to some degree all of the major beliefs of National Socialism, including ethnic nationalism, a rigid ethos of honor, environmentalism and anti-Semitism. Speaking for those behind this site, we believe that the modern republics, inspired by Christian and Humanist ideals of individualism and material comfort, have led us into a grotesque error of judgment which has produced a technocratic and symbolically-manipulative society. Our manly values have become passive, and in passivity, we have rejected natural law and nature, replacing it with a human creation of signals and social custom for which there is no natural precedent. Further, our society is currently on a hellbound stampede to eliminate these older ideas, unnaturally so (if they were truly obsolete, they would simply die out) and in the United States at least, people of Jewish and radical right-wing Christian heritage have disproportionate power. We reject the notion of "God" and of Judean morality; we embrace the ideals of naturalism, paganism, honor, blood and soil. Our goal is to create within society a group where these ideals can be practiced, in which we can begin to repair the damage done to our environment by industry and can have more meaningful lives than the technological drones and their convenience-based, product-oriented lifestyles. If these ideals are appealing to you, go to our listing of National Socialist groups and begin work as a lone activism or a group member. Popular activities for the newly initiated include flyer distribution, countering ZOG propaganda and public demonstration. The world is always changing, but humanity controls this change, so our goal as awakened humans should be to ensure enlightened rule soon replaces the selfish and destructive chaos that now passes for a society.  
Archive-name: NSBM-faq/
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 20071218

National Socialist Black Metal FAQ

1. What is NSBM?
2. Where does Adolf Hitler fit in?
3. Do you support genocide?
4. What is the role of natural selection?
5. Are you racists?
6. Why aren't you out killing people?
7. You are taking out your own deficiencies on others.
8. What would you do to America/the world?
9. Why haven't you updated the site?
10. How can you be nationalists and want racial separation but not
be angry, impotent racists?
11. Does this music exist only to spread the NS word?
12. Why do people listen?

Introduction: This FAQ explains all about the National Socialist
movement in black metal music, a genre of extreme (heavy) metal music
often referred to in the shorthand as "NSBM."

Frequency: Every time someone dies / a church burns / a republic falls
to the ground.

1. What is NSBM?

NSBM is shorthand for "National Socialist Black Metal," referring the
bands, fans, labels, supporters and freethinkers who comprise this
subset of the black metal underground subculture. 

NSBM bands must be both National Socialist and black metal, but 
there are specific tendencies of these bands that distinguish them, 
such as blending ethnic music and black metal, strong nationalism, 
Romantic themes, endorsement of natural selection and Nietzschean 
will to power and love of struggle, as well as a fondness for the 
National Socialism practiced by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP.

Outspoken NS bands
Legion of Doom
Order from Chaos
Thor's Hammer

NSBM influences
Impaled Nazarene

NS influenced

Not every band with NSBM influences has a philosophy anywhere near NS.
Black metal itself endorses natural selection and a love of all things
traditional, including ancient pagan religions and profound nationalism.
It is important to note that "race" in the context of National Socialism
means national identity and organic state as expressed through genetics,
culture, language and values.

National Socialism is a modern movement which evokes the values of
ancient civlizations where honor and culture were paramount, which
seems strange from a modern time where our only value systems focus on
material equality for the individual.

2. Where does Adolf Hitler fit in?

His writings, especially the first four chapters of "Mein Kampf", the
25 points with which he addressed the German people, and his wartime
correspondence with Goebbels, have been highly influential in the NSBM

It is useful to understand Hitler's influences, which include Arthur
Schopenhauer and Jewish racial Nationalists like Theodor Herzl;
Hitler's philosophy fused German conservative ideas with those of
early radical Greens, the German folk-oriented volkisch movement,
and the concepts of the organic, localized state derived from
modern socialists.

3. Do you support genocide?

We support natural selection, and ethnic nationalism, which means
that each state supports an organic population defined by language,
culture, values and genetics.

In the course of establishing such states, other nationalities
must be relocated, and some have chosen to use genocide as a 
method. While we have no moral prohibition against it, many of
us question its utility, while others question the historical
record of the Holocaust.

Those who write this FAQ view both methods and historical
questions as immaterial; what matters is doing what's right.
However we prefer to avoid genocide.

4. What is the role of natural selection?

We support total death for weak humans. Why?

- This cannot be stressed enough: we are poisoning our planet through
our carelessness and raw need; there are too many of us for nature to
also breathe fully.
- Most humans are primitive intellectually, relying on reactionist
behavior like a group of frightened monkeys flinging their feces at
- Most humans are so self-interested you invade the living space of
others with your demands; in short, most of you are dishonest, lying,
indifferent scum.
- The lesser mind forms a consistent lowest common denominator (LCD)
which can be manipulated by Judeo-Christian or capitalist politicians
to destroy Pagan, Norsk, Gnostic or Aryan belief systems in practice.
The lesser mind requires control, where the stronger wishes almost
- There is no direction in the current growth of social systems except
toward more control, in age where control is increasingly easy.  Once
established, control is nearly impossible to break.

Think toward war!

The natural world is more powerful than the artifical society and
morals of humankind.  Its evolutionary system works through vast
powers of regeneration and full expression in idea.  Our belief is
that nature as primarily good MUST be respected.  By destroying the
weak and elevating the strong, we are working with evolution to
produce a more beautiful world. 

Almost all NSBMers will say that it is important for each culture to
preserve itself.  We hate the global government and the capitalist
plastic culture which destroys that which is refined and replaces it
with the easy and reactionary living.  You have entertainment and
products so you are content, but you hate growth - we hate you - the
cold void will invade.

5. Are you racists?

We believe in ethnic separation for all ethnic groups. We believe
multiculturalism doesn't work. We believe that in order to preserve
an ethnic group, it must be distinct from all others in values,
language, culture and genetics.

Other people call this "racism" because they're afraid of it and
are hoping that social censure will make it go away. True diversity
comes from many monocultures existing independently.

6. Why aren't you out killing people?

Our goals are political and require work on many levels.

7. You are taking out your own deficiencies on others.

Contrary to pop psychology common knowledge, nationalists are not
necessarily "broken" within or self-deficient.  Most of us live free,
do not beg from others, and do what we deem to be excellent in life.

Often, people have sensible reasons for hating, such as threatening or
destructive behavior on the part of the type of genetics they hate.
When those people become convinced some of this behavior is genetic,
they will hate that particular and distinct combination of genes.  If
the behavior is cultural, we have to ask what is the result after
years of this culture shaping genetics and genetics in turn shaping
culture? We prefer family, history, roots and culture to another
nation cum shopping mall like the USA.

8. What would you do to America/the world?

Ha, ha.  Yes, like in the movies.

It would not be in our interests to tell you.

9. Why haven't you updated the site?

Black metal and NSBM have both been invaded by trends which imitate
the past but do not achieve its internal understanding of context
and the architecture of belief. We choose to distance ourselves 
from these also-rans and instead focus on those who made coherent
statements with their music.

10. How can you be nationalists and want racial separation but not
be angry, impotent racists?

This question was answered best by a Klansman named John Baumgardner:

"It was back in 1985 when I first met Osiris Akkebala, Chief Elder of
the Pan-Afrikan International Movement (PAIN). Chief Akkebala hosted 
a radio show in an all-black community where we had a scheduled 
demonstration. PAIN follows a Garvian philosophy, and understanding 
that Marcus Garvey had met with the Klan in the 1920s, Chief Osiris
approached me for a private meeting. We hit it off well and have 
been good friends ever since.
Sometime in 1990 we began holding joint demonstrations--the Klan in 
their robes and the Africans in their dashikis. Needless to say it 
sparked quite a backlash. Many klansmen were angry at me for even 
considering such a thing. In my view it was a match inspired by God. 
Why should we have a problem with black men who are strict racial 
separatists and want to establish a homeland on the continent of 
Africa? I have even publicly endorsed the payment of reparations 
to blacks but only for the purpose of repatriation back to Africa.
I believe that all people have a right to self-determination, a 
right to choose their own government, and their own religion. 
Clearly, blacks in America have not had those opportunities. As 
Minister Louis Farrakhan said: 'If we can't get along together, 
then we need to separate.'
I'm a revolutionary white separatist, not a white supremacist. I 
don't feel superior to any man because of the color of my skin but I
understand that the Aryan people (making up only about eight percent of
the world population) must have a separate land uninfluenced by other 
races or by the criminal government that occupies Washington D.C. I'm 
not naive enough to believe we can get it without a very bloody 
struggle." -

11. Does this music exist only to spread the NS word?

NSBM exists to create a vision of a better life and to make it alive
and playful in the hearts of its listeners.

It is our great pride that this music is first art and then the
expression of power.  NS is not political; it is about bringing an end
to politics through the focused power of a race.  NS is not about
politics and making people obey.  It is about destroying politics and
setting the people free. National Socialism is not politics, or
religion, or culture, or a method of civilization, but it is all of
those at once. The modern way is to separate connected things; the
ancient way (traditionalism) is to understand them as a process that
cannot be divided. That alone is our highest political statement.

Music is war like anything else.  Make beauty from an ugly task.  With
fire and sword carve out a new world, a new adventure...

12. Why do people listen?

Because the music is great, we say.  Decide for yourself. (dead link)

National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) (dead link)

All about the NSBM scene (& Free Downloads)
National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) Movement (dead link)